She has breathed deeply and promised herself she won't turn into a Tasmanian devil and go on a tirade (though she can't guarantee as the HC is not a diplomat or a politician but was fine tuned to be an activist...which is why she repeatedly turned this job down for she knew she lacked the graceful skills and impulse control and "equanimity" required for this kind of leadership. She is best suited to be one of the crowd, civilly disobeying and challenging the authority....not playing nice in meetings....but somehow she ended up here and it exhausts every one of her reactive nerve fibers to try to not carry signs, take a knee and yell "Topple the Patriarchy" to the very Rangers she needs to help her).
But sadly, though not unexpectedly, the Golden Eagle and a Bald Eagle friend informed the HC that they now do not support her cause. Well, they do "in spirit" but will not in public. It seems that the HC is not the only critter without nuts. The Bald Eagle mentioned something about taking the "path of least resistance". The HC supposes that is easy for someone who can fly wherever they want to go. But the HC is on the ground where there are brambles, and roots and mounds of decaying butterflies who didn't make it all the way. The eagles can't see all that from up high, she thinks. They have forgotten. "Least resistance?" she scoffed. "Ha, I don't seem to have that map in my GPS". The Golden Eagle was surprised to find out that the HC was still going to appear at the Park Ranger's meeting. The HC said, "I learned from my mom, Silver Sable, that some things need to be said. And I learned from The Movement that change is like water on a stone. You must keep at it, drop after drop. Eventually the stone will wear down. You can't be upset when one drop doesn't seem to effect change."
But the truth is, the Head Chipmunk thinks the rock looks very, very big today.